Sunday, September 11, 2011

30 Day Challenge (day 2) 10 random pictures of 10 random things!

Day 2:  10 random pictures of 10 random things!

                                            This is the button pannle in the car.
                                           The zipper on my sister's sweater.
                                           A doll I got for my b-day.
                                           A flower I made with an ice scate made of wood.

                                            A star above a window in my room.

                                            The lamp from the top view.

                                            My piggy bank and other stuff from the view of my top bunk.

                                            My teddy bear Cinnamon and my hippo webkinz Isabelle

                                            Cinnamon flying in the air! :3

                                            MY TOES!!!!!

And that is the end of day 2!  More in day 3!  30 DAY CHALLENGE!

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